
The relationship with its customers at the center of the negotiations. Also in digital.

The Challenge

Solarplay, a company specialised in renewable energy, has chosen Apparound to satisfy the needs to improve sales processes. The aim was to increase the professionalism of the commercial network with totally digital tools; decrease the time to issue the offers; increase the commercial network, through a tool that allows a simple and rapid onboarding; ensure continuous training in a constantly evolving technological market and finally collect real-time and authentic business data for market analysis.



Based on the collected results, the company plans to amortise the investment in a short time and then start the integration with existing systems.

The Solution

The Apparound solution allowed Solarplay sales agents to optimise the sales processes, making an efficient and professional relationship with the customer, from the first call to the contract signature. Today sales consultants can virtually travel tens of thousands of kilometres in a single day, visit more customers and build more sales offers quickly, in order to increase opportunities.


no paper waste

Flyers, brochures, data sheets and contracts are no longer printed and always updated.



Based on the collected results, the company plans to amortise the investment in a short time and then start the integration with existing systems.


no paper waste

Flyers, brochures, data sheets and contracts are no longer printed and always updated.

7.000 km

virtual routes

Sale agents, remotely working, can reach potential customers from all over Italy, without wasting even a minute of travel time.

7.000 km

virtual routes

Sale agents, remotely working, can reach potential customers from all over Italy, without wasting even a minute of travel time.


Download the Customer Story

"The choice of Apparound not only optimise the sales processes but also reduce the waste of paper. For a company like ours, which deals with energy efficiency, it represents a coherent ethical choice that is also strategic.”

Manuele Solazzo, General Manager @Solarplay